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AIDungeon Time: Alien Edition

Writer: AiniAini

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Ah! Finally the 7th day of streaming on Twitch ~ I unlocked my affiliate status! To be fair I spent most of the day preparing graphics and fiddling around with emotes so when it came time to stream I was quite tired and I think that was evident in the content but I still had a wonderful time preparing and coming up with an outfit for my alien character! For my #Alien I channeled my inner @kammiepomeranian! I met Kammie during my first Rufflecon and actually roomed with her! Her outfits are so colorful and full of her personality, which emanates like the rainbow that she is! Not only is she quite the inspiring fashion personality, she also owns a wig shop called Mintymix which is known for unique rainbow wigs, FURBIES and other crazy cute handmade accessories!

Let's see for the rest of the outfit I used my own "Heartbeat of the Universe: Constellation Embroidery Heart Pin & Clip" which you can purchase over at the Lolita Collective or commission a custom one on my Etsy! The pink blouse is from the I Do Declare x Haenuli collaboration and the JSK apron is #GlassBottleofTears from lolita brand #AngelicPretty! Oh and the star ring is from @ficklewish and the cat one is by Tokimeki Gabriel!

The make up was experimental, I never really used white liner before and of course I ended up covering most of it when I applied my black eyeliner anyway lol... I did sparkle like crazy from the different glitter I used but it didn't translate to the pictures or on stream - talking about the stream! My new microphone has just arrived and of course I realized one of the USB ports on the laptop I use to stream is dead! So, in order to use the fancy new mic I abandoned my shitty logitech webcam for the even worse laptop built in webcam... What a travesty. So I look... a little green on video lol... WHATEVER I still had a good time! Let's get to the Ayy Lmao #AIDungeon story summary!

I, an alien member, find myself crash landing on earth during my mission to take over the planet! Naturally I meet Christ, an astronaut that tries to lock me away in Area 51, but I had none of that! Turns out that asking the humans where their leader is will lead you to naked people in hotel rooms and banks...? We manage to blackmail an FBI agent to join our cause (by threatening to erase his family memories - according to chat that always works!) ... In the end it turns out the same threat doesn't work on another general...

What a ride!

You can watch the full stream on my Youtube Channel!

Play AIDUNGEON over at (and support them so it can become the skynet it deserves to be!)

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